We’re delighted to be able to send you our latest catalogue. It’s full of wonderful items that illustrate sporting activities in Australia and around the world. Everything from billiards and cricket to football in all its’ forms, horse racing and the Olympic Games, all are well represented in the following pages.
The front cover item this time is an original painting of Baghdad Note winning the 1970 Melbourne Cup, (Lot 739). It’s by the late Joe Greenberg, whose work you will find throughout this catalogue. We were especially excited to discover some original artwork and rare examples of his Australian Rules football posters (see Lots 458 to 473, 481 and 483 to 488). With the Finals of the Football Season – Aussie Rules and Rugby League – upon us, we think you’ll find these echoes of the 1970s particularly interesting.
The Billiards section (Lots 57 to 72) features a very fine range of cues bearing the names of Australia’s champions – Walter Lindrum, Horace Lindrum, Joe Davies and Eddie Charlton. They’re all from one collector and took many years to assemble. A great opportunity!
Another unusual feature of this auction is the large collection of gold fobs and award medals you’ll find scattered throughout the catalogue. See Lots 122, 124 and 140, for example, in the Cricket section; Lots 403, 405 and 407 – 411 in the Australian Rules Football section; Lots 629 and 630 in the Rugby League and Lot 674 in the Golf. And that’s just a few of them!
The cricket section is also enhanced by the inclusion of a collection of Don Bradman original press photographs. See Lots 207, 219 – 224, 226 and especially 252. There’s also a great range of Melbourne Cricket Club fobs listed chronologically.
Australian Rules Football card collectors: go straight to Lots 519 to 612. You’re spoilt for choice this time! There are many items in this collection that we are offering for the first time. We’re sure you’ll be excited. So too, collectors of Olympics themed cards. Lots 800 to 806 are rarely seen and the condition is exceptional.
With the Spring Racing Carnival on the horizon, we are very proud of the offering described and illustrated between Lots 679 and 768. It’s a chronological listing from the very earliest days of organized horse racing in Australia in 1825 (Lot 679), through the heady days of Phar Lap (Lots 711 – 722) and on to the 1971 Caulfield Cup (Lot 745), the 1975 Caulfield Cup (Lot 748) and several other trophies from the estate of the late Cyril Beechey. Thankyou to his family for their consignment.
001-056 General
057-072 Billiards
073-084 Boxing
085-087 Commonwealth & Empire Games
088-379 Cricket
088-107 Cricket – 19th Century
108-160 Cricket – 1900 to 1927
161-229 Cricket – The Bradman Era
230-337 Cricket – 1949 to Date
338-357 Cricket – Cigarette & Trade Cards
358-379 Cricket – Team Sheets & Autograph Pages
380-382 Cycling
383-383 Fishing
384-628 Football (Australian Rules)
384-518 Football (Australian Rules)
519-612 Football (Australian Rules) – Cigarette & Trade Cards
613-628 Football (Australian Rules) – Records
629-637 Football (Rugby League)
638-655 Football (Rugby Union)
656-673 Football (Soccer)
674-678 Golf
679-768 Horse Racing
769-774 Motor Racing
775-830 Olympic Games
831-831 Rowing
832-852 Tennis
853-856 Yachting