b'94504503 507 509ROBERT EDWARDLOUISE BOSCACCI ARTIST UNKNOWNPURUNTATAMERI porcelain bowl with webbed andgroup of five pottery brown and black matte glazed potterydecorated exterior, Aboriginal artefacts,vase with sgraffito stingray andsigned Boscacci 2003monogram mark to one (illegible),barramundi decoration, with exhibition gallery No.3, the largest 56cm long (5)27cm high 12.5cm high, 13cm wide $200300 $150250$400600510504 508 ROBIN BESTROBERT EDWARDARTIST UNKNOWN cream porcelain bowl,PURUNTATAMERIpottery sulphur crested cockatoo, incised Robin Best, 2000,brown and black matte glazed pottery26.5cm high 18.5cm high, 38.5cm wideplatter with painted stingray and$150250$250350 barramundi decoration,45cm wide$150250505LOUISE BOSCACCIporcelain bowl with web interior,signed Boscacci 2003 with exhibition gallery No.1,9.5cm high, 22cm wide$400600 506LOUISE BOSCACCIporcelain bowl with web interior,signed Boscacci 2003 with exhibition gallery No.5,9.5cm high, 19.5cm wide$400600 507'