b"111594Eight assorted whalebone napkin rings, early to mid 19th century,the largest 4.5cm diameter (8)$200300 595Four assorted whalebone napkin rings, early to mid 19th century,the largest 4cm diameter (4) $120200 596A ships scullery hot drink dispenser serving coffee, beef tea and hot beer, brass with porcelain liners and wooden handles, 19th century,84cm across$400600 597A vintage boat anchor, 20th century,56m high, 26cm wide$60100 598A ships notice board wall cabinet from the P. & O. ship The Himalayamid 20th century101cm high, 65cm wide, 7cm deep$250350 599AN ORIGINAL PAINTING OF CAPTAIN599JAMES ROBERTSON and a SILVER PRESENTATON CUP:The oil painting (100 x 88cm) is believed to depict Captain James Robertson, with600a brass sextant and a three-mast ship,A sailors fid, carved whalebone in the the barque Wallace in distress, to hisform of a fist, 19th century,right. Robertson had been captain of the14.5cm longWallace when, inward bound for Hobart$250350604from Leith in Scotland, the ship struck a reef about two miles south of ActaeonA timber folding games box with Island (now known as Sterile Island) off601 turned whalebone draughts pieces, Bruny Island on 25th August 1835. AllThe Australian Clipper-ship 19th century,hands were saved but the ship later brokeMarco Polo (1851) and the board 38cm wideup in a gale. Launch of the Australian steam-ship$400600 The late Georgian sterling silverPacific at Millwall (1854),cup is engraved: To Captn. Jameshand-coloured steel engravingsfrom the Illustrated London News, 605Robertson from Doctor Nisbet R.N.,both framed, (2) An unusual carved figure, marine ivory, Henry R. Constable Esqr and Mr &each 40 x 47cm overall. 19th century,Mrs Thos. Barker, in testimony of theirpossibly the handle on an implement,high admiration of his conduct As$100200 Commander of the Ship Isabella On9.5cm higha voyage from China to Leith in the602 $150250 year 1838. [Barnard, London, 1837].A ships surgeons kit, an impressive 19.5cm high, 12.5cm wide. array of surgical implements and tools606Sir Alexander Nisbet (1796-1874) was ain original brass bound mahogany caseA midshipman's cosh, woven string, Scottish naval surgeon notable for his roleinscribed Captn WALKER To W.J.possibly baleen and lead weighted end, in early convict transports to Australia.PILCHER MR.C.S. 1861, 19th century,Thomas Barker (1799-1875) arrived inthe case 40.5cm wide 42cm longNew South Wales in 1813 following the$6001,000 $150250 deaths of both his parents. His gift of 1000 for a mathematics scholarship was the first direct benefaction to the603 607University of Sydney. The painting andAn antique sextant in mahogany box,An Australian cedar blanket box cabin the cup are accompanied by a folio ofmid 19th century, trunk, 19th century,research material. the box 22cm wide 32cm high, 76cm wide, 45cm deep$1,5002,500 $8001,000 $250350 "