b'84538 (Detail)538 Arthurs administration (18231837) the engagement of An early and important Colonial Australianconvict and free artisans was encouraged, and the use of secretaire bookcase, cedar and beefwoodnative timbers was proposed (as in the 1829 John Archer designed villa HeathfieldDavey St.), extensive architect with pine secondary timbers, Hobart origin,designed public works (and en-suite furniture), as opposed circa 1825, to the use of imported timbers. After Arthurs departure 253cm high, 124cm wide, 57cm deep in 1837, large quantities of imported English pattern-book furniture were advertised in the local press, with the local PROVENANCE manufacturers tending, with rare exceptions, to be more of The Barclay family, by descent, Hendrewen,English / London pattern-book forms & - even worsecedar 326 Macquarie St, Hobart. veneered with mahogany/ rosewood / walnut.Private Collection. John Hawkins was the first to clearly identify the influence of A stunning example with finely moulded Grecian pediment,Scots cabinet making at this time in Tasmaniaspecifically, cross-banded in fine straight veneers of cedar onto Kingthis type of glazing in his Irish and Scottish Cabinet Makers William pine, over a pair of finely moulded and glazed doors, ofand their influence over Australian Colonial Furniture in Tartan or Edinburgh margin light form. The doors with finelySydney and Hobart before 1840, as Edinburgh in origin, and mitred corners and two original shelves. identified as a vernacular type, as described in the Edinburgh The base similarly cross-banded, over three large drawers,Cabinet and Makers Books of Prices 18051825. Secretaire of typically Edinburgh form, cock-beaded with Southernbookcases of this quality and scale are virtually unknown in Tasmanian casuarina cross-banding, original blackwood knobsTasmania at this time. Fitted libraries occur after 1831 and and central fall-front secretaire drawer. The secretaire interiorpattern-book examples from c.1840.is original and veneered with Southern Tasmanian casuarina,Related Tasmanian Governor Arthur period secretaire huon pine stringing and the remains of original whalebonebookcases:knobs. The doors are similarly cross-banded, with fine inset1. A simpler, non-veneered, (though nicely patinated) cedar reel or knulled decoration. Original turned feet. (Repolishedsecretaire bookcase, with Edinburgh margin light glazing, finish & some replaced glass panes. Three whale ivory knobsformerly in the collection of Ginger Morris of Hobart & Sydney; partially restored). illustrated in Fahy, Simpson & Simpson Nineteenth Century Tasmanian early Colonial period furniture that is veneered withAustralian Furniture, 1985.casuarina is extremely rare. Here it has been used as a feature2. A very closely related example in the collection of the to the secretaire drawer and cross-banding. The presenceNational Gallery of Australia. Compare the mitred corners of King William pine and blackwood knobs affirms theto the upper doors, secretaire and cock-bead edge to the Tasmanian, rather than NSW origin. The few related examplessecretaire drawer, cupboards beneath, on tall turned feet and known point to the same, as yet unknown Scottish cabinetidentical back panelling.maker, sometimes working in a variety of native timbers. It is likely that this secretaire was made in Hobart, between 1825The present secretaire, with its casuarina cross-banding and and 1830. whale ivory knobs, casuarina interior, and inset reel mouldings After the arrival of Governor George Arthur in 1823, the localto doors and drawers, is suggested as equal, if not finer lumber yards, (Sarah Island, Launceston, Hobarton, Newthan that example in the NGA, and second only to the Butler Norfolk) saw an increase in use, engagement by government,examples, of NSW origin.timber species naming / application, and thence, the localWith minor careful work to the finish, the present secretaire making of veneered high quality furniture. This was to increasewould be the finest Governor Arthur period Tasmanian with the attendant increase in investment, migration and thesecretaire bookcase for a collector or institution.number of ex-convicts choosing to remain in Van DiemensEssay by Warwick Oakman B. Des. (Hons)Land, either as free cabinet makers or as clients, largely as$30,00050,000a result of Governor Arthurs promotion. During the time of'