b'2398ROSENTHAL German porcelain figural group of a nude boy and dog,factory mark to base,17cm high$150250 99ROSENTHAL two German Art Deco porcelain statues of the snake charmer and dancing lady,green factory marks to bases,20cm and 23cm high (2)$300500 100ROSENTHAL German Art Deco pair of porcelain statues of accordion players,green factory marks to bases, signed A. Cousmann,19cm high (2) 102 104$200300 101 105ROSENTHAL German porcelain statueSCHAUBACH KUNST German of a female nude with parrot and urn, Art Deco porcelain statue of a green factory mark to base,dancing lady with arms raised,signed A. Oppel, green factory mark to base,17cm high 31cm high$200300 $120200 102 106SCHAUBACH KUNST GermanSCHAUBACH KUNST German Art Deco porcelain statue ofArt Deco porcelain statue of a female volleyball player, a reclining female nude,green factory mark to base, green factory mark to base,28cm high 20.5cm high, 25cm long$120200 $150250103SCHAUBACH KUNST German Art Deco porcelain statue of a female volleyball player,green factory mark to base,24.5cm high$100200 104SCHAUBACH KUNST German Art Deco porcelain statue of a dancing lady,green factory mark to base,23.5cm high 106$100200'