b'1341813 New South Wales Five Shillings or Holey Dollar on 1801 I.J. Lima Mint Charles IIII 8 reales host coin.A scarcer mint. PROVENANCEObverse counter stamped by holey dollar obverseDr M.H. Long Collectiondie II (wide separation between NEW and SOUTH),Dr G.H. Abbott Collection, Lawsons 1943reverse counter stamped by holey dollar reverse die BW.W. Farman Collection(no fleur-de-lis between FIVE and SHILLINGS), withD.J. Foster Collectiontraces of the underlying matrix design visible under theSuttons Auction, 27 January 1973 (lot 410)counter stamps on both sides as often seen on higherP.J. Downie Sale, 17 February 1978 (lot 641)grade host coins. Spink Australia sale 24, March 1988 (lot 1042)Listed in Mira & Noble as 1801/1. Current Vendor.The planchet smaller than normal with the counter$120,000150,000stamps struck weaker than normal. The counter stamp very fine, the host coin fine. A superior example of a rare Mint, with Lima coins comprising only about 10% of known coins and only a few in private hands.'