b'60Glass 496 501An antique Continental ruby air twistAn antique English crystal lustre, stem wine glass with etched grapecirca 1850,491 decoration, 19th century, 33cm highA Roman glass bottle, 15cm high $200300 unknown age and origin, $120200 22cm high 502$200300497 Antique Irish crystal bowl with six Three antique toast masters glasses,matching glasses, 19th century, 492 19th century, (7 items),An antique English wine glass with13cm high (3) the bowl 12cm highdouble air twist stem, 18th century, $400600$100200 15cm high$250350 498 503Two Georgian style glasses, one withTwo antique toast masters glasses, 493 air twist stem, 20th century, 18th/19th century,A Georgian cordial glass with air twist15cm and 17cm high (2) 7cm and 9cm high (2)and etched bee and grape decoration,$120200$200300 18th century,13cm high 499 504$250350 A Georgian rum decanter, Bristol blueSeven assorted antique glasses,glass with hand-painted gilt label,18th and 19th century,494 18th/19th century, mixed origins and condition,An antique wine glass with flared rim,20cm high the largest 12.5cm high (7)air twist stem and etched bird and grape$200300 $150250 decoration,15.5cm high 500 505$250350An antique English impressive crystalA pair of antique English amber punch bowl, 19th century, coloured Nailsea glass walking sticks, 495 22cm high 19th century,An antique English cordial glass with$150250101cm and 99cm high (2)double air twist stem, 18th century, $250350 14.5cm high$250350492 493 495'