b'1141290Aviation1287 1288A c.1921 Shaw Ross Engineering andDe Havilland Gipsy Major Series I Memorabilia Aviation Company Melbourne flightaircraft engine brass plate, c.1930s, ticket (framed), together with Theapprox. 153mm x 78mm.Fulmar I and Fulmar II Aeroplanes Pilots$80120 1284 Notes original booklet. (2 items)THE E.C. HOWES COLLECTIONThe Shaw Ross Engineering & Aviation1289OF HISTORICAL AVIATIONCompany was a Port Melbourne aircraft PHOTOGRAPHS: An extensiveengineering factory, hangar, and airstrip,Gipsy Major engine manual titled Care collection in twelve volumes, arrangedfounded by Major Harry Turner Shawand Maintenance of the 130 H.P. D.H. alphabetically by manufacturer, withOBE (1889-1973), Australian pioneeringGipsy Major Aero Engine, 2nd edition, most photographs taken in the 1920s -aviator. In 1922, Shaw became the firstc.1939, 50pp., with leather cover.1960s period; although most appear tocivilian to fly from Melbourne to Sydney.$200300 be of British aircraft of the 1920s - 30s.Shaw is known to have commuted Collected by Edward Cecil Howes (1903daily to Port Melbourne from his home1290- 84), who worked in the British aircraftin Beaumaris with its private airstrip,De Havilland Tiger Moth: original front industry until 1949, when he migratedsometimes flying home from for lunch. windscreen [#H.35029A], c.1930s. to Melbourne, where he worked for$100150Distance between front brackets 27cm, the Department of Civil Aviation anddistance between rear brackets later at the Commonwealth Aircraft38.5cm.Corporation, at Fishermans Bend.$300500The photos are all professionally taken, most being created by the aircraft manufacturers for publicity and information purposes. (Quantity: 800+).$1,0002,000 1285Eight-day mantle clock mounted in wooden propeller, early 20th century, 12.5cm high, 52.5cm wide.$200300 1286Two pairs of c.1920s aviators goggles, one in original box marked Goggles Mk. VIII Stores Ref. 22c/930. (2 items)$2003001292'