b'1411106An antique French walnut panel spectacularly carved with classical procession, 19th century,48cm high, 152cm wide$600800 1107A French provincial oak carver chair with rush seat, 19th century,100cm high, 54cm across the arms$200400 1108A Chippendale style ornate gilt frame mirror, 20th century,150 x 81cm$6001,0001109An antique French provincial display cabinet of unusual narrow proportions, 19th century,210cm high, 55cm wide, 19cm deep$300500 1110A French Louis XVI style lamp table, kingwood with brass gallery,1111early 20th century, 1111 111246cm high, 45cm diameter A French serpentine front commode,A Black Forest picture frame wall $200300kingwood with ormolu mounts andclock with time and strike movement, rouge marble top, 19th/20th century, repousse dial surround, enamel dial 80cm high, 93cm wide, 50cm deep displaying Roman numerals and 24 hour $1,2002,000 Arabics, 19th century,the case 24cm high$250350 1101'