b'86PAINTINGS &OTHER ARTWORKS643OSWALD WALTER BRIERLY (1817-94) (attrib.),The First Waitangi,oil on canvas, mid-19th Century,46 x 61.5cm., framed 57 x 72cm (overall).$500750644PETER VAN RYNE (1712-1760),General View of the City of Amsterdam from the Tye,[Published: 1752, London, by Overton & Sayer],copper plate engraving with hand colouring,25 x 39cm (plus margins);643 together with the matching view:A View of the River Amstel within the Town,25 x 39cm (plus margins). (2 items).$400600 645GAVIN HAMILTON, R.A. (1723-1798),A confrontation,watercolour on paper,signed Hamilton, R.A. lower right,21.5 x 32cm; framed, 40 x 50.5cm overall.$600800646ARTIST UNKNOWN (Italian School, 18th/19th century),(Bay of Naples),gouache,30 x 41cm, 49 x 61cm overall645 $300500647An 18th century engraving titled A College Gate,25 x 37cm, 51 x 60cm overall$60100 648ROYALTY: A group of four framed images comprising a picture on silk of King Victor Emmanuel, an engraving titled Marriage of Henry 7th, an ink drawing titled Edward Prince of Wales, Son to Richard III, and a hand-coloured copper engraving of Princess Mary; mixed condition, (4 items).$150200 649ITALIAN SCHOOL,Il calasse (The gig),watercolour and ink on paper,646 20 x 26.5cm; framed 54 x 38.5cm overall.$150250 '