b'133864862CRIBBAGE, four antique games board boxes, specimen wood and whale bone, 19th century,the largest 23.5cm long (4)$250350 863An antique desk calendar, late 19th century,15cm high$250350864WINSOR & NEWTON artists antique watercolour paint set in original mahogany box with porcelain pallet and paint washers,86619th century,6.5cm high, 20cm wide, 12cm deep$350450865An antique French wine press pedestal turned and carved timber, 19th century,169cm high$500700866An antique bench top coffee grinder, 19th century,65cm high$550650867An antique English harvest jug, coopered oak construction with brass and copper mounts, 19th century,an impressive 59cm high, 44cm wide$300500867 865'