b'134872An antique copper meat dish cover, 19th century,22cm high, 40cm wide$80120873COOK WARE group of five assorted graduated copper cooking pans with iron handles, 19th/20th century,the largest 24cm wide (5)$250350 874An antique copper and brass scullery pot with iron handles and brass tap, 19th/20th century,50cm high, 70cm wide$400600 875A salesmans sample Cutler style roll-top miniature desk, circa 1900,52cm high, 59cm wide, 31cm deep$8001,200876COOK WARE group of five antique copper pans with brass and iron 870 handles, 19th/20th century,the largest 31.5cm wide (5)$250350 868 870 877An antique French stock pot,COLOMBUS antique cast iron parcelCOOK WARE group of six assorted copper and brass with iron handles, scales with twin enamel dials,graduated copper cooking pans with 45cm high, 61cm wide 19th century, iron handles, 19th/20th century,$400500 29.5cm high the largest 27cm wide (6)$250350 $250350 869An antique Dutch brass water jug,87118th century, An antique brass and glass adjustable 43cm high shop display stand, 19th century,$15025072cm high$400600 868872'