b'78507507 510 512JEAN BAPTIST STAHL rare GermanDOULTON LAMBETH antique EnglishDOULTON LAMBETH antique English pate-sur-pate Phanolith Neoclassicalpottery vase with sgraffito decorationpottery vase with sgraffito decoration charger of the Argo, 19th century, of cows and horses in landscape, byof sheep in landscape, by HANNAH impressed factory mark to base, HANNAH and FLORENCE BARLOW,BARLOW, circa 1879,47cm diameter 19th century, impressed factory mark with artist $3,0005,000 impressed factory mark with artistsmonogram to base,monograms to base, 18.5cm high508 26cm high $8001,200DOULTON LAMBETH pottery jug$1,0001,500with bird decoration by FLORENCE513BARLOW, circa 1883, 511 A Georgian pottery harvest jug with stamped Doulton Lambeth, 1883DOULTON LAMBETH antique Englishsterling silver top, early 19th century,with artist monogram, pottery vase with sgraffito decoration24cm high, 19cm wide23cm high of horses in landscape, by HANNAH$250350 $6001,000BARLOW, 19th century,impressed factory mark with artist514509 monogram to base, WEDGWOOD pair of black 26.5cm highDOULTON LAMBETH antique English$8001,200 basalt porcelain classical statues, pottery vase with sgraffito cowlate 19th century,decoration by HANNAH BARLOW,stamped Wedgwood, Etruria, 19th century, England,impressed factory mark with artist20cm and 21cm high (2)monogram to base, $400600 27.5cm high$1,0001,500'