b'1246 474845 47 49An antique Chinese silver ewerAn antique Vietnamese silver conicalAn antique Vietnamese silver circular in hexagonal shaped warmer,shaped military hat badge, decoratedbox with pierced work base and gilt Qing Dynasty, 19th century, with dragons, insects, birds and humanhighlights, 19th century.2 character seal mark to base, figures, 19th century, The side walls decorated with highly 13cm high overall 7cm high, 11.5cm diameter chased works divided into four semi-$200300$250350 circular panels with flowers of the four seasons, separated by four bats (symbol 46 48 of happiness). The lift off lid is divided An antique Vietnamese silver conicalAn antique Vietnamese silver conicalinto concentric rings filled with floral shaped military hat badge, decoratedshaped military hat badge, decoratedscrolls, with gilding to the flowers.with dragon, phoenix and Kirin symbolswith four Chinese characters Zi (luck),3.5cm high, 8cm diameterof high-ranking military personnel,Siang (safety), Shou (longevity),$40060019th century, and Lou (age), 19th century,7cm high, 12cm wide 6cm high, 13cm wide$250350 $25035049 50'