b'71Ex 599 (Plate 4)599ROBERT DODD (1748-1815)Battle of the Nile, the Attack at Sunset [Plate 1],Battle of the Nile, at 10 Oclock at Night [Plate 2],Battle of the Nile, Near Midnight [Plate 3],Battle of the Nile, on the Ensuing Morning [Plate 4],a series of four aquatints,[London, 1799],individually framed and glazed,each 74 x 96cm. (4 items).The Battle of the Nile (also known as the Battle of Aboukir Bay) was a major naval battle fought between the British Royal Navy and the Navy of the French Republic at Aboukir Bay on the Mediterranean coast off the Nile Delta from 1st to 3rd ofEx 599 (Plate 1)August 1798. The battle was the climax of a naval campaign that had raged across the Mediterranean during the previous three months, as a large French convoy sailed from Toulon to Alexandria carrying an expeditionary force under General Napoleon Bonaparte. The British fleet was led in the battle by Rear-Admiral Sir Horatio Nelson.$2,0002,500600ARTIST UNKNOWN,(floral still life),oil on wood panel,39 x 29cm, 56 x 47cm overall$150250 Ex 599 (Plate 3)'