b'50421410An antique English twin pedestal422mahogany desk with red leather insert top, 19th century,71 x 123 x 63cm$400600 412 413An antique English scalloped edgedAn antique Australian cedar eight 411 occasional table with quarter bookdrawer chest with serpentine front An antique English burr walnut ovalmatched burr walnut veneered top,and carved full length corbels, wine table, bearing plaque JAMESand Irish influenced carved cabriole legSouth Australian origin, 19th century,SHOOLBRED & Co. London,stretcher base, with red pine and Baltic pine circa 1875, 70cm high, 107cm wide, 61cm deep. secondary timbers,70cm high, 62cm wide, 44cm deep $200300147cm high, 117cm wide, 58cm deep$300500$300500 410'