b'56The Alan Vivian Collection of Carlton Football Club Memorabilia3583581880 Carte de Danse, Carlton Football Club, Annual Ball, Athenaeum Hall, September 14th, 1880. Printed by E. Whitehead & Co., Melbourne. A very attractive and early item of Carlton Football Club memorabilia; almost certainly unique. $8001,200359359GEORGE COULTHARD (Carlton, 1876 - 1882) hand-coloured cabinet card size albumen print by Mark Joseph Allan, 270 Smith Street, Collingwood. Coulthard is shown in his Carlton uniform and football boots in a studio setting. Overall 16 x 10.5cm. The only known example of this image.Coulthard was recognized as the greatest player in the early VFA competition. He was a member of Carltons inaugural premiership side in 1877; was voted Champion of the Colony in 1876, 1877 and 1879; and was inducted into the AFL Hall of Fame in 1996. He died tragically young at the age of 27; a victim of tuberculosis which was then rampant in Australia. .$1,0001,500'