b'75The Alan Vivian Collection of Carlton Football Club Memorabilia426 427426Carlton: Members Season Ticket for 1930, with fixture list and hole punched for each game attended. .$200300427Carlton: Members Season Ticket for 1931, with fixture list and hole punched for each game attended. .$200300430428428Carlton: Members Season Ticket for 1932, with fixture list and hole punched for each game attended. .$100200429Carlton: Members Season Ticket for 1933, with fixture list and hole punched for each game attended. .$100200430A Carlton CFC star lapel pin with blue and white ribbons attached, believed to have been issued by the short-lived Evening Star Newspaper (Melbourne) circa 1933. The only example known to us.The Melbourne Evening Star was launched in 1933 by The Argus. It was intended to compete with The Herald, but was closed down in 1936 due to poor circulation. $200300431CARLTON: Cigarette & Trade Cards: 1933 to recent collection in an album. Noted 1933 Will Footballers, 1951 Kornies Footballers in Action, 1954 Kornies Champion Footballers, 1954 Argus Swap Card types, 1954 Argus VFL types, 1960s to 91 Scanlens and Stimorol, 1981 Ardmona Big League, etc., and many later types. (Approx. 400.) $500750432Carlton: Members Season Tickets for 1934, 1935 & 1936, all with fixture list and holes punched for each game attended, (3 items). .$300400'