b'1170 7670DETROLA CORPORATION: Detrola 400 Leica-copy twin-eyepiece rangefinder camera [#13738], circa 1940, with Wollensak Velostigmat 50mm f3.5 lens. One of only an estimated 800 to be produced. $65075071EHIRA: Weha Chrome-Six rangefinder camera [#3306], circa 1937,with Weha S. 75mm f3.5 lens [#28450] and Auto Rapid Ehira shutter. $15025072ELLIOTT: Two circa 1935 V.P. Twin Bakelite cameras, one with blue marbled finish and one with brown finish. (2 cameras) .$5010073FED: Fed-C Leica-copy rangefinder camera [#80413], circa 1938, with Fed 50mm f2 lens. The earliest Leica copy to achieve any measure of success before the Second World War. .$10020074FED: Fed-1g Leica-copy rangefinder camera [#711147], circa 1955, with Fed 50mm f3.5 lens, metal lens cap, and finder attachment. . $10015075FOCA: PF2B Two-Stars Leica-copy rangefinder camera [#43.476 B], circa 1955, with Oplarex 50mm f1.9 lens [#12.270]. $15025076FRANKE & HEIDECKE Circa 1928 Rolleidoscop 6x13cm triple-lens reflex rollfilm stereo camera [#10759], with Tessar 75mm f4.5 lenses [#723147 & #723148]. $1,0002,00077FRANKE & HEIDECKE Circa 1930 Rolleiflex Original TLR camera [#23973] with Tessar 75mm f3.8 lens [#983466] and metal lens cap. Earlier version with non-hinged back. $10020078FRANKE & HEIDECKE Circa 1931 Rolleiflex Original TLR camera [#235230] with Tessar 75mm f3.8 lens [#1387764] and metal lens hood, in makers box. Later version with hinged back. .$10025079FRANKE & HEIDECKE Circa 1931 Rolleiflex Original TLR camera [#40423] with Tessar 75mm f3.8 lens [#1051521]. Later version with hinged back. .$10020080FRANKE & HEIDECKE Circa 1932 Rolleiflex Old Standard TLR camera [#215135] with Tessar 75mm f3.8 lens [#1339027] and metal lens cap, with directions in German on rear. .$10020081FRANKE & HEIDECKE Circa 1932 Rolleiflex Old Standard TLR camera [#265551] with Tessar 75mm f3.8 lens [#1411215] and metal lens cap, with directions in German on rear. .$10020082FRANKE & HEIDECKE Circa 1932 Rolleiflex Old Standard TLR camera [#246895] with Tessar 75mm f3.8 lens [#1396428] and metal lens cap, with Viennese camera retailer Photohaus Benedik sticker on rear. .$10020083FRANKE & HEIDECKE Circa 1932 Rolleiflex Old Standard TLR camera [#217070] with Tessar 75mm f3.8 lens [#1343860]. $10020084FRANKE & HEIDECKE Rolleicord I TLR camera with Art-deco nickel-plated exterior [#012509], circa 1933, with Triotar 75mm f4.5 lens [#1472320] and Compur shutter, and metal lens cap. $10020085FRANKE & HEIDECKE Circa 1933 Rolleiflex Old Standard TLR camera [#301765] with Tessar 75mm f3.8 lens [#1450430] and metal lens cap, with directions in French on rear. .$10020086FRANKE & HEIDECKE Rolleicord I TLR camera with Art-deco nickel-plated exterior [#022658], circa 1933, with Triotar 75mm f4.5 lens [#1483151] and Compur shutter. $10020087FRANKE & HEIDECKE Rolleiflex 4x4 Black Baby TLR camera [#522997], circa 1936, with Tessar 60mm f2.8 lens [#1878477] and Compur-Rapid shutter. This example was the fourth-last to be produced. .$10020088FRANKE & HEIDECKE One circa 1938 Rolleicord Ia TLR camera [#644335] with Triotar 75mm f4.5 lens [#2257790], and one circa 1938 Rolleicord IIb [#737013] with Triotar 75mm f3.5 lens [#2409364] and metal lens cap, with directions in German on rear. (2 cameras)$10020089FRANKE & HEIDECKE Rolleicord IIa TLR camera [#803856], circa 1938, with Triotar 75mm f3.5 lens [#2558197] and Compur shutter. Presented in makers box with documentation in German, red plastic Rollei pendant, and shutter release cable. $100150'