b'18136FRANKE & HEIDECKE Rollei binocular folding leather focusing hood, for use with Rollei TLR cameras. .$100200137FRANKE & HEIDECKE Two teleconverter lenses in their original black leather pouches -one Rollei-Mutar 1,7x [#3888938], and one Rollei-Mutar 0,6x [#3888387]. (2 items) . $100150138FRANKE & HEIDECKE Various Rollei lenses and lens attachments in their original boxes and leather pouches, including two Proxar 2 [#554791 & #579523], Rolleinar 1 RIII, Rolleinar 2 RI and RII, Rolleinar 3 RIII, Rolleiparkeil 2, and two Rolleigrids. (8 items) .$100200139FRANKE & HEIDECKE Eight Rollei lens filters of various colours and sizes, all in their original boxes, five of them in Rollei leather pouches. Also two Rollei diffusion filters, likewise in original leather pouches and boxes. (10 items)$100200140FRANKE & HEIDECKE Two Rollei accessory kits each containing one lens hood and two lens filters, both in original leather pouches, with one in makers box. Also three Rollei lens hoods of various sizes, likewise in their original leather pouches, with one in makers box. (5 items) .$100200141FUTURA KAMERAWERK: Futura Standard rangefinder camera, circa 1950,with Evar 50mm f2 lens [#35921]. . $100150142GALLUS: Derlux strut-folding camera, circa 1947,with Gallix 50mm f3.5 lens [#14072] and yellow screw-in lens filter. .$150250Ex 143 145143GOERZ: Minicord subminiature TLR camera [#4201], circa 1951, with Helgor 25mm f2 lens [#4342], with original instruction booklet. One of the smallest TLR cameras ever made. $250350144GOMZ: Leningrad Leica-copy rangefinder camera [#315987], circa 1957,with Filter-8 50mm f2 lens [#6305782] and KMZ Lenine viewfinder attachment. .$100200145GRAFLEX: US-military version XLRF KS-98B medium-format rangefinder camera [#X 50725], circa 1965, with Tessar 100mm f3.5 lens [#4238966] and Synchro-Compur shutter, together with three-frame finder, Polaroid instant pack film holder, and hand grip attachment. $600800Ex 146 147146HASSELBLAD: Hasselblad 1600F medium-format SLR camera [#CH 12702 & #CH 14224] in black and chrome, circa 1952, with Ektar 80mm f2.8 lens [#RY263], Hasselblad-Y 1.5-50 lens filter, and original strap$8001,600147HASSELBLAD: Hasselblad 1000F medium-format SLR camera [#CT 20461 & #CT 27829] in black and chrome, circa 1956, with Tessar 80mm f2.8 lens [#587778] and lens filter. .$600800'