b'63630623623ZEISS IKON: Super Ikonta 534/16 horizontal-folding rangefinder camera [#Q 41780], circa 1955, with Tessar 75mm f3.5 lens [#1991104]. .$300400624ZEISS IKON: Contax IIIa rangefinder camera [#D 80307], circa 1957,with Sonnar 50mm f2 lens [#1726974]. .$150250625ZEISS IKON: Contaflex Rapid 10.1261 SLR camera [#U 32976], circa 1958,with Tessar 50mm f2.8 lens [#1712209]$150250626ZEISS IKON: Two SLR cameras - one circa 1959 Contaflex Prima 10.1291 [#S 63541]with Pantar 45mm f2.8 lens, and one circa 1954 Contaflex II 862/24 [#G 71483]with Tessar 45mm f2.8 lens [#1468233]. (2 cameras) $100150627ZEISS IKON: Three 35mm cameras - one Contaflex II 862/24 [#E 7412],one Contessamat SBE [#F 87274], and one Contina Ia [#6 88707], all circa late 1950s. (3 cameras) $100200628ZEISS IKON: Three 35mm cameras - one Contaflex II 862/24 [#G 69794],one Contessamat SBE [#C 69366], and one Contina Ia [#R 27894], all circa late 1950s. (3 cameras) .$100200629ZEISS IKON: Four fixed-lens cameras - one Contessamatic E,one Colora, one Contina IIa, and one Contessa S310. (4 cameras) .$100200630ZEISS IKON: Second model Contax IIa 563/24 rangefinder camera [#D.78013], circa 1960,with Sonnar 50mm f2 lens [#1448668], and colour numbers on speed dial. .$400500631ZEISS IKON: Three 35mm cameras, all circa 1960s, including one Pentina II [#12/2034],one Contina LK [#E68695], and one Contessamatic [#W92217]. (3 cameras) .$100200632ZEISS IKON: Contaflex Super B SLR camera [#B.51832], circa 1962,with Tessar 50mm f2.8 lens [#3555248] and combination UV filter rubber lens hood. $100200633ZEISS IKON: Contaflex Super B 10.1272 SLR camera [#B 42259], circa 1962,with Tessar 50mm f2.8 lens [#3453083] and Synchro-Compur shutter. $100150634ZEISS IKON: Contaflex Super BC 10.1273 SLR camera [#K 95779], circa 1967,with Tessar 50mm f2.8 lens [#4213197] and Synchro-Compur X shutter. $100200635ZEISS IKON: Circa 1967 Contaflex 126 10.1102 SLR camera [#N71227], with Tessar 45mm f2.8 lens $100150636ZEISS IKON: Contaflex Super BC SLR camera [#K 95782], circa 1967,with Tessar 50mm f2.8 lens [#4213719]. Engraving on back indicates that camera was owned by Australian commercial pilot Captain L. M. Diprose. $100150'