b'1291481 1489 1494HASSELBLAD 500EL medium-formatLPL Dayroll Deluxe bulk 35mmLEITZ TRINOVID 10 x 40B SLR camera [#TTE 9322], c. late 1960s,film loader in as new condition in(110m-1000m) binoculars in in 43.5 x 34.5 x 17.5cm flight case withmakers box with metal winder,case, (bird watchers choice)an immaculately preserved array oftogether with instruction booklet for$450550 Hasselblad camera system elements,1977 Ricoh 35 ZF camera and 1979 including three lenses (Planar 80mm35mm Photographers Handbook1495f2.8, Sonnar 150mm f4, and Sonnarby Julian Calder & John Garrett.250mm f5.6) with all lens caps present,$4080NIKON F70 with 35-105mm lens sixteen lens filters, three close-upand assorted accessories including lenses, three finders, two cameraTAMRON 200-00mm lens, tripod, backs, two lens hoods, shutter release1490 monopod, plus a ZEISS ICON folding grip, Polaroid instant film back, straps,Nine rolls of 1979 Ilford HP4 120 film,camera etc, (qty)batteries, fuses, cleaning materials,boxed. $300500 Gossen Sixticolor light meter, and others. $4060 $2,2002,800 14961491 LEITZ Leica Mini Zoom compact camera 1482 Four Gossen photography accessories,[#1988892], c. 1993, with Vario-Elmar HASSELBLAD Carl Zeiss Distagonthree in branded pouches - one35-70mm f4-7.6 zoom lens, in makers T* 50mm f4 lens [#6275780], in allMastersix digital light meter, onebox with instruction booklet, registration black with front and rear lens caps,Profi-Lux attachment for Mastersix,and warranty cards, battery, and strap.Hasselblad 63 1 x HZ - 0 lens filter, andone Lunasix 3 light meter, and one Tele$160200 filter retaining ring. (5 items) attachment for Lunasix 3. (4 items)$500800 $20030014971483 NIKON D3100 DSLR with 18-200mm HASSELBLAD: six c. 1960s camera1492 TAMERON lens; together with a attachments in original retail packagingCANON EOS 620 with assorted lensesPENTAX S6 point and shoot digital - one TISLC Spirit Level, one TIFKCand accessories camera, and a KODAK DC290 digital Adjustable Flash Shoe, one TIRCC$200300camera with zoomQuick Winding Crank, one 41076 Quick$100200 Winding Crank, one Hasselblad wrist1493strap, and one Kenko mount adapterLEITZ: Ten Leica items - two FILCA film for Hasselblad lens to Canon F seriescassettes in metal canisters, one FILCA cameras. (6 items) and one IXMOO film cassette both in $300400red makers boxes, one Oscar Barnack Leica R4 sterling silver commemorative 1484 coin, one grey metal and one black AGFA BILLY camera, Fujica cameraplastic front lens cap, two leather Leica and assorted equipment, (qty) camera cases for subminiature camera, $60100and one VIDOM makers box. (10 items)$250350 1485BINOCULARS: MINOLTA 8 x 32; CARL ZEISS Jena DDR (4986878), and Siam Cat Optics 10 x 50, (3 items) $120200 1486METZ Mecablitz 45 CT-5 flash unit in leather box with several sync, diffusion, power, and camera connection items and accessories, together with Metz 60-33 Reflexschirm reflector accessory in makers box.$6080 1487MINOX 35 EL black plastic viewfinder camera, c. 1974, with Color-Minotar 35mm f2.8 lens, together with black leather case.$60100 1488Various photography accessories, some in makers boxes, including several Rollei slide frame holders, a collapsible rubber lens hood, a Cokin warm filter and lens adapter, and others.$6080 Ex 1481'