b'42477Two antique Chinese blue and white porcelain kendi pots, 19th century,the larger 20cm high (2)$400600 478A Chinese mutton jade vase, 19th/20th century,14cm high$400600 479Xizheng pottery teapot, and a Chinese porcelain figural group, 20th century,the statue 19cm high (2)$400600 480489 A Peking enamel square form vase, 20th century,37cm high463 470 $400600 A Chinese ornate blue and whiteThree green glazed Chinese ceramic porcelain vase, adorned with vignettespots, 19th and 20th century, 481of water scenes, landscapes, birdsthe largest 21cm high (3) A pair of Chinese cast bronze dragon and blossoms, Guan Xu mark to base,$120200and phoenix vases, 20th century,19th/20th century, 28cm high (2)35cm high 471 $120200 $250350 Four assorted Chinese ceramic vases, 19th and 20th century, 482464 the largest 23.5cm high (4) Three assorted Chinese carved ivory A pair of Chinese blue and white$120200and bone statues, all on wooden bases, porcelain vases with famille rose19th/20th century,enamel decoration, 19th/20th century, 472 the largest 19cm high overall (3)Guan Xu mark to bases, Five assorted Chinese scrolls,$200300 27cm overall (2) 19th/20th century (5)$200300$200300 465 473A Chinese blue and white porcelainA set of eight Chinese carved ivory vase with floral enamel decoration,horse statues on carved wooden 20th century, stands, housed in original fitted box, 41cm high the largest 5cm high overall (8)$150250$250350 466 474A Chinese watercolour ofFour blue and white Chinese two tigers in landscape, porcelain platters and four bearing red seal mark and inscription, bowls, plus a framed plaque, 109 x 29cm, 113 x 34cm overall 20th century, (9 items),$250350 the plaque 39 x 34cm overall 467 $100200 A Chinese dragon painting, red seal mark475upper right with inscription lower left, A Chinese scholars travel box, 109 x 37cm, 129 x 49cm overall 19th/20th century,$12020024cm high468 $120200 Ten assorted Chinese snuff bottles,476housed in a fitted blue and yellow clothA Chinese famille vert porcelain covered box, vase, late Republic period, the box 35cm wide (10) 20th century,$200300six character mark to base,44cm high469 $400600 Two Chinese porcelain vases with orange/red grounds, 20th century,33cm and 23cm high (2)$120200463'