b'13215161516 1519ZADIG or FATE an Oriental Tale from The French ofA collection of antique and vintage prints and etchings Voltaire [1819], a hand-written version of the story (originallyincluding English birds (many hand-coloured), sea life, London published in French in 1747); viii + 154pp; bound togetherlandmarks and street scenes, etc.; various sizes. (37).with MICROMEGAS a Comic Romance being a severe$100200 satire upon the Philosophy, Ignorance, and Self - conceit of Mankind - from the French of Voltaire [1819] (first published1520in 1752) 48pp. Beautifully bound in blue leather with giltLife And Works Of Wedgewood by Eliza Meteyard [Lon. decorations and title; brown silk covered end papers. The1865], two vol. original blue cloth boards with embossed silver bookplate of Charles Lowndes and Hugh Lowndes affixed toand gilt pictorial covers, spines faded otherwise good copies (2)blank end paper.Zadig is a novella and work of philosophical fiction by$100200 the Enlightenment writer Voltaire. It tells the story of1521Zadig, a Zoroastrian philosopher in ancient Babylonia. The protagonists name is derived from the Hebrew term tzadik,RAILROADS: An attractive collection of Railway and Tramway a title bestowed in Judaism on a particularly righteous personCompany share and debenture documents; mostly with ornatethough Voltaires character is not presented as a Jew andengravings and also mostly with English revenue impressed does not exactly fit the criteria set in Jewish tradition for theduty stamps. Noted The Mexican Pacific Railway Ltd. use of the term. (1889); Brazil Railway Co. (1911); Buenos Ayres Lacroze Micromegas is an early example in the literary genre ofTramways Co., (1914); The Venzuela Central Railway Co. science fiction. The tale recounts the visit to Earth of a being(1914); The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. (1929); The New from a planet circling the star Sirius, and of his companionYork Central Railroad Co. (1942); and others. (12 items).from the planet Saturn. The technique of using an outsider to$150200 comment on aspects of Western culture was popular in this period; Voltaire also used it in Zadig. 1522$1,0002,000 MINING & PETROLEUM: An attractive collection of Railway and Petroleum Company share and debenture documents; 1517 mostly with ornate engravings and also mostly with English revenue impressed duty stamps. Noted Sociedad Anonima THOMAS CARLYLE single page hand-written manuscriptMinas de Alcaracejos (1898); The British-Butte Mining Co. letter dated December 11, 1825, framed and mounted with(1907); The Cevreni-Breg Mining Co. (1912); Intercontinent accompanying Sothebys 1965 catalogue and additionalPetroleum Corporation (1928); The Lyndhurst Deep-Level research notes. (Gold & Silver) Ltd. (1935); Daggafontein Mines Ltd. (1938); 31 x 41cm overall and others. (10 items).$250350$100150 1518 15231847 - 1984 attractive collection of Company share andJapanese woodblock prints, Landseer Gallery prints, Victor debenture documents; mostly with ornate engravings andCobb engraving, and assorted engravings, (qty)many with English revenue impressed duty stamps. Noted$150250 Norfolk Estuary Company (1847); Thessalian Railways (1886); The Arnoya Mining Co. (1907); Bulgarian 41524percent Bonds (1909); Capillitas Consolidated MinesDorothy & Mortimer MEPNES, Worlds Children, [London: (1910); The British Motor Cab Co. (1914); West CanadianAdam & Charles Black, 1903]; limited edition [#283/500] Colliers (1928); The New York Central Railroad Co. (1944)signed by Mortimer Mepnes. Ex library.and others. (21 items).$150250$60100 '