b'1559FLORENZ pottery jug with applied gumnuts, leaves and branch handle,incised Florenz,19cm high$150250 60PEGGY WHITING pottery lamp base with applied cottages in landscape with attractive hand-painted finish,incised Peggy Whiting,16cm high$40060061UNA DEERBON, impressive pottery platter with applied grapes and leaves,incised Una Deerbon,38.5cm wide$6001,00062UNA DEERBON cream glazed pottery vase with applied grapes and leaves with facemask handles,incised Una Deerbon,19cm high, 33cm wide$400600 63 61PHILIPPA JAMES pottery vase with applied gum blossom, leaf and twig,incised Philippa James, 65 6616cm high CRUFFEL green glazed porcelain vase, KLYTIE PATE pottery vase $8001,200 bearing original foil label to base, with turquoise glaze,6.5cm high, 9cm wide incised Klytie Pate,64 $15025026cm highMARGUERITE MAHOOD spherical$400600 pottery vase with floral decoration,incised Mahood,6.5cm high, 8cm wide$55065064 60'