b'28169 171GARY TONKIN THE FLURRYA scrimshaw whales tooth engraved scrimshaw whales tooth, Albany,with a whaling scene,Western Australian, 13cm high11.5cm long $8001,200$600800172170 A scrimshaw whales tooth engraved A scrimshaw whales tooth engravedwith a whaling scene and tallship,with a sailing ship, signed J.F.C., 11cm high9cm long $8001,200 $400600 173Sailors whalebone pocket dominoes in timber case, 19th century,the case 6cm wide$200300 177174 176LOCH BROOM antique modelA ships telegraph, cast iron, brass tallship with four masts and rigging,and enamel dial with bells, made by 19th century, MECHANS LIMITED, SCOTSTOUN, 63cm high, 89cm long GLASGOW, 19th/20th century,$400600 108cm high$8001,200175SMITHS ships bulkhead clock and marine aneroid barometer mounted back to back on a revolving base, 19th/20th century,33cm high$1,0001,500176175'