b'25158 SCRIMSHAW & MARITIMESHIKO studio pottery bowl with painted decoration by MIRKA MORA, 161signed Shiko,15cm wide A scrimshaw whales tooth with $400600tallship portrait, 19th century,an impressive 18cm high159 $1,2002,000JOHN KEMETY pottery plate162with landscape scene,signed Kemety, Australia, A scrimshaw whales tooth 30.5cm diameter with tallship,$12020013cm high$1,2002,000160JOHN CAMPBELL burgundy163glazed pottery vase with twoA scrimshaw whales tooth handles (one repaired), with portrait of MATTHEW incised John Campbell, Tasmania, FLINDERS and map of 22cm high, 28cm wide Australia titled New $100200Holland New South Wales, 1804, with portrait of Trim the cat on the reverse,12.5cm high$1,5002,500163161 162'