b'38250 (Detail)250CAPTAIN ALURED TASKER FAUNCE (1808-1856)At that time there were some 7-8,000 convicts in work THE FIRST RESIDENT POLICE MAGISTRATE ATassignment in the area (County of Murray), and it was a rough QUEANBEYAN. and violent place. Alured was the senior personand apart from his work on the Bench, he frequently had to lead his A sterling silver desk stand, tea pot, sugar basin and salver, allposse of troopers on hard-riding chases On one occasion made in London in 1839, and engraved with the family coat ofhe pursued five bushrangers who broke out of gaol 36 miles arms for A. T. Faunce , also known as Iron-man Faunceto Michelago before he caught them. Another time, he chased for his stand when a magistrate on the N.S.W. north coast ,a group of armed men who broke into a Queanbeyan store near Gosford, against corrupt government officers, whereuponand eventually caught them with the help of neighbours and he was transferred to Queanbeyan to act as Police Magistrate.Aboriginal trackers, At one period during 1838 there were The cream jug from the set is not present. The main items areso many bushrangers in the area and so many in the lock-up inscribed: that an absconding servant-turned-informer was given a post Presented to A. T. Faunce by the inhabitants of Queanbeyan,in the police force rather than subject him to the danger of Molonglo, Gundaroo and Monaro in testimony of theirimprisonment with his own victims. [Faunce, A.D., A family approbation of his conduct as Police Magistrate and their highthat went out to the world. The story of the Faunces of Kent; esteem of his character as a Gentleman, August 5th 1840. privately published, 1990; p.97-98.]Total silver weight: 1,680 grams. (4 items). $10,00015,000250'