b'103611Tasmanian fiddleback blackwood egg cruet set, each piece adorned with silver map of Tasmania, early 20th century,bearing Shott & Son circular paper label to base,19cm high$120200 612Australian timber napkin rings, some with 9ct gold and sterling silver maps of Tasmania, (qty)$120200 613A folkart Australian serving tray with inlaid coat of arms, early 20th century,58cm wide$120200 614POKERWORK group including vases, doily holders, serving tray, boomerangs, box, etc, including rare koala and Major Mitchell cockatoo examples, early 20th century, (11 items),the largest 32cm high$150250 618615 620 625Two Australian shell work trinket boxes,WOOD WARE including a graduated setTHE SMALLER ISLANDS OF THE 20th century, of three Shaker style boxes, huon pineBRITISH OCEAN by Robert Morden, the larger 10cm high, 21cm wide,serving tray, timber boxes, turned andhand-coloured map, circa 1701, 22 x 17cm deep (2) carved Australian timber fruit including24cm. Together with GUERNSEY, $120200huon pine, blackwood and sassafras,AND ITS DEPENDENT ISLES drawn 20th century, (qty), and engraved for Lewis Topographical 616 the tray 43cm across the handles Dictionary, 20 x 25cm, 37 x 41cm Two dogs teeth headdresses and four$120200overall. (2 items)assorted arm bands, tooth, fibre, kina$100200 shell and pigment, Papua New Guinea621origin, (6 items), Two carved emu eggs (one mounted on626the 50cm long mulga wood stand), and a carved boabNine assorted woven baskets including $150250nut, 20th century, (3 items), examples sold by Elcho Island Art & the largest 20.5cm high overall Crafts, Maningrida Arts & Culture, and 617 $120200an attractive bicornual basket (9)A carved boab nut of impressive$400600 proportions, mounted on622Queensland silky oak base, Seven assorted antique and62723cm high overall vintage timber boxes and cases,SILVER: group of reference books on $12020019th and 20th century, silver collecting, (14 vol.)23cm high (7) $120200 618 $60100 NATALIE FISHER Artweave Originals628contemporary tapestry design of gum623blossoms, artist details verso, TREEN & WOOD WARE collection ofPOTTERY and CERAMICS: small library 96 x 96cm predominantly Australian examples,of reference books (17 vol.)$250350 mixed vintages, (qty) $100200 $100200 619 629An Australian cedar deed box with cast624 ART, POTTERY and AUSTRALIAN metal kangaroo top, made by BRIANBUTTONS & STUDS, a handsomeTHEMES. A small library of reference & ALISON THOMAS of Baringhup,array, several complete sets and inbooks, (qty)Victoria, late 20th century, original boxes of issue including HARDY$120200 35cm wide BROS., HARRODS and FISHER, $12020019th and 20th century, (8 boxes)$200300 '