b'91477 479476 479 481CAROL WILLIAMS LYNETTE LEWIS LYNETTE LEWISpottery fruit bowl adorned withspherical Australian ceramic vaseTjala-Honey Ants II, 2019 sgraffito Aboriginal snake motif, decorated with ant motif, ceramic vaseincised Carol Williams, 2011,incised Lynette Lewis,incised Lynette Lewis, Ernabella Arts, Ernabella Arts, 2020, Ernabella Arts, 2019,36cm diameter 16cm high 42.5cm high$250350 $250350 $6001,000477 480CARLENE THOMPSON DEREK THOMPSON Tjulpu Mankulpa (The story of Eagle,JUNGARRAYI Cocky, Crow) sgraffito decorated vaseWanampi I tall brown and in black and brown, black glazed pottery vase with incised THO, sgraffito snake decoration,17cm high incised Derek Thompson, $400600 Ernabella Arts In 2013,48.5cm high478 $6001,000JANET De BOOSbrown glazed lidded pottery vase, adorned with sgraffito banksia motif,incised De Boos, 2015,32cm high$400600 473 481 480'