b'64325 329VI EYRE BOSLEY pottery owl statue,rare pottery vase with20.5cm highhand-painted frieze, $300500incised Vi Eyre,17cm high 330$6001,000 Brickworks kookaburra vase with floral decoration, most 326 likely a workmans piece,ELIZA JOSEPHSON 27cm highhand-painted porcelain vase with$250350 nude dancing figures in landscape,signed E. Josephine, 1915, 33121cm high. JOLIFFE impressive green glazed $1,0001,500 pottery vase with applied grapes and leaves with branch handles,327 incised JOLIFFE, Hand Built, F.E.C.,15cm high, 27cm across the handlesJESSE SIMPSON $1,2002,000Magpie Vase, designed in 1917,limited edition, authorised reproduction,332National Gallery of Australia, ALLAN LOWE26cm high$300500 Blue Vista green and blue glazed pottery vase with decorative frieze,328 incised Allan Lowe, Blue Vista, 7/1/33,ADA NEWMAN 7cm high, 9cm widehand-painted porcelain koala vase, $250350329signed "Ada Newman N.S.W. Australia, 1922,20cm high$120200 327 326'