b'100908The Dr Douglas Frew Waterhouse Collection(Lots 903935)903 906 909Six assorted Georgian pewter dinnerThree assorted antique pewter jugsSix assorted Chinese pewter tea plates, 18th century, comprising an Imperial quart and twocaddies, 19th and 20th century,the largest 24.5cm diameter (6) pints, 18th and 19th century, the largest 18cm high (6)$300500the largest 15cm high (3) $200300 $120200 904 910An antique pewter ale jug,907 An antique Chinese pewter serving 18h/19th century, Six assorted antique pewter pinttray with Chinese porcelain inserts, 24cm high, 27cm wide tankards, 18th and 19th century, 19th/20th century,$200300the largest 15.5cm high (6) 33cm wide$250350$200300 905 911Four assorted Georgian pewter908tankards, 18th century, A pair of Georgian pewter candleTwo antique pewter platters, the largest lidded example 20cm highholders with removable drip pans,18th/19th century,(4) 18th century, 37.5 and 38cm diameter (2)$20030017cm diameter (2) $250350 $150250912Two antique English pewter chargers, early 18th century,46.5 and 42.5cm diameter (2)$300500 913An antique English pewter serving bowl, 18th century,33.5cm diameter$150250914Six assorted antique pewter half pint tankards, 18th/19th century,the largest 9.5cm high (6)$150250 915Eleven assorted antique pewter measures, 18th/19th century,the largest 8cm high (11)$300500 916Three antique pewter whistles, 18th/19th century,the largest 7.5cm high overall (3)$120200 913'