b'93839A Regency rosewood bookstand, circa 1820,39cm high$300500 840A Georgian silk religious tapestry in original frame, early 19th century, 53 x 58cm overall$300500 841An antique German snuff box with view of SCHLOSS PYRMONT (Pyrmont Castle), attractively crafted in agate, gilt metal and enamel, 18th century,4cm wide$300500842A Georgian mahogany tea caddy with boxwood string inlay, early 19th century,15cm high, 30cm wide, 15cm deep$250350 843An antique bronze bust of a gentleman, circa 1835,14cm high$120200 844An antique sampler by MARY DAVIES, 1849,50 x 40cm overall 844$400600845 846 847Antique coloured lithograph circularJACOB MEETS RACHEL antique OldAn antique gilt bronze jewellery casket print in gilt frame with reverse glassTestament scene tapestry in an antiquewith pietra dura top, mid 19th century,painted mount, 19th century, ebonized frame with reverse glass11cm high, 14cm wide, 10cm deep47 x 44cm overall painted mount, 19th century, $250350$12020057 x 47cm overall$120200 841847'