b'156POSTCARDS 1366MILITARY: An album containing a good range of PCs 1356 including silks, other ephemera, etc. (over 200 items).POSTCARDS - FRANCE: 1900s-1970s era collection in$200300 five volumes with an approximate 50/50 split of earlier and later (post 1960) cards. Buildings, architecture, landmarks1367and street scenes are very well represented, mostly fromENGLISH - MILITARY & SONG SERIES: A fine collection of Paris, Dieppe, Marseilles, Nice or Rouen, etc, plus a rangeBamforth & Co. cards, arranged numerically from 4961 to of cards from regional towns; also coastal/port scenes, rural/ 5115. (approx. 170).mountainous views plus some souvenir real-photo cards;$100200 condition variable. (700+)$2503501368MILITARY SUBJECTS: An album containing a very broad 1357 range, many WW1 issues with some Australian content; A large album titled The Edwardian Era containing a terrificmainly English and French; also, later items incl non-PC collection of postcards featuring the King himself, the pleasures,material. (approx. 300 items).pursuits, peoples and scenes from all over England during$200300 Edwards reign. Some wonderful social history content. (450+).$1,0001,5001369BRUCE BAIRNSFATHER group of 15 unused WW1 period 1358 postcards (15)ENGLISH - MILITARY SERIES: A fine collection of Bamforth$120200 & Co. cards, arranged numerically from 4771 to 4958. (approx. 200). 1370$100200ENGLAND: An album labelled LONDON, South of England, Devon & Cornwall; some annotation, mainly earlies and almost 1359 all RP-types. (360+).Album (dilapidated) of assorted cards including Australian,$100200 English, Irish, New Zealand, etc; Melbourne Cup Finish 1905, animals (noted LOUIS WAIN The Introduction and1371Theres many a slip twixt cup & lip), ships, artist cards, etc., some loosely inserted. (250+) Mixed condition. BRITISH ISLES: Nice range in two albums; $200300some good social history. (400+)$200300 1360 1372CHILDREN and GREETINGS: Two large albums containing a charming range, mainly old-time. (400+). Collections in five albums; mainly Great Britain, Scotland, $100200Wales, France, Italy, some Asian and other material, (approx. 650).1361 $200300 Collection of vintage postcards including Highland Railway1373with golfing theme, British, Indian, French etc in red album $120200POSTCARDS - GREAT BRITAIN - HUMOUR: 1900s-1980s various subject matters including children/parenthood, romance, Charles Dickens, noting cards by Raphael Tuck, 1362 Valentines including Mabel Lucie Attwell and Glanville Are ENGLISH: A fine collection of Bamforth & Co. cards, arrangedyou a Mason art cards (4), etc; also saucy/double entendre numerically from 4500 to 4674. (approx. 250). types by Bamforths, Easton Millar & others; plus Bamforth $150250Saucy Postcard Annual paperback (1976); condition variable. (600+)1363$500600 POSTCARDS - AUSTRALIAN STATES - SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Fire at Apollo Works, Xmas Day, 1907 set of six cards1374showing different fire damage scenes at the Bursford ApolloPOSTCARDS - GREAT BRITAIN - CUMBRIA: 1900s-1980s Works in Adam Street, Hindmarsh, some edge blemishes,collection in single volume with an approximate 60/40 split c.1908. (6) between earlier and later (post 1960) cards, noting 1924 real-$80120photo of Meathop Sanitarium, many other showing mountains and lakes scenery including Lake Windermere, some real-1364 photo types noted; condition variable. (200+)ENGLISH: A fine collection of Bamforth & Co. cards,$60100 arranged numerically from 4677 to 4999. (approx. 160).$1001501375ENGLAND: An album labelled Old & Modern Central England 1365 & North; some annotation, mainly earlies and almost all RP-types. (approx. 450).UNITED KINGDOM: An album containing Churches,$100200 Cathedrals and other religious images, (approx. 300+).$100200 '