b'16815001500 (Detail)1498 1500RENOIR, Pierre-Auguste (1841 - 1919). RODIN, Francois Auguste Rene (1840 -1917),Autographed letter, signed Renoir and dated August 7, 1901;hand-written message on notepaper (175 x 120mm) dated single sheet (200 x 125mm) written entirely in Renoirs handParis 17 Mai 1912 and headed 77 Rue de Varenne; signed to an unidentified friend (Cher ami); the artist apologizes forat the foot Aug. Rodin. Addressed to an unknown gentleman not having been able to attend the funeral of his friends lovedadvising that Rodin would be delighted to receive at Rue de one, Despite a bad attack of rheumatism for the last fewVarenne on the following Monday afternoon between 2 and 4 days I had been hoping, nonetheless, to be near to you duringoclock. Mounted, framed and glazed together with an original your sad ceremony. But at the same time my wife had a thirdpostcard of Rodin.boy. She suffered a lot but, fortunately, today all is well and weOverall 33 x 39cm.have re-entered calm watersAs soon as I am a little better,From 1908, Rodin rented four south-facing, ground-floor rooms I will come to shake your hand; but until then I shall have toopening onto a terrace, to use as his studios, in the magnificent stay quiet. rococo mansion, Hotel Biron at 77 Rue de Varenne. Other Attractively farmed and glazed together with a reproduction oftenants included Henri Matisse, Isadora Duncan and Clara a portrait of Renoir by Jean Frdric Bazille. Westhoff. From 1911 Rodin occupied the whole building and Overall 35.5 x 43cm. today it is one of the two venues, along with the Villa des $2,5003,500 Brillants at Meudon, which house the Musee Rodin.$1,0001,5001499RENOIR, Pierre-Auguste (1841 - 1919) 1501Autograph note, ink on single sheet (110 x 85mm); datedANATOLE FRANCE (1844-1944), autograph letter sheet Juedi (without month or year) and signed at the footheaded La Bechellerie, addressed to Cher Poete, Renoir. Addressed to an unidentified woman, the artistdated 9th June, 1915.writes to accept her invitation to dinner on the followingFrance is sending his praises for a work, titled Mystery of Tuesday. He notes I have a touch of the flu (Grippe),Deliverance that his friend has sent him for comment. It is a otherwise I would have stopped by to see you, work of art.I admire and love you.window mounted, framed and glazed together with a picture$100200 of the artist,overall 29 x 37cm.$1,5002,500'