b'1461269GUSTAVE RICHARD LAMBERT,MALAYA WOMEN,albumen paper prints, circa 1880s,photographers blind stamp on images at lower right,all titled in the plate,approx. 26 x 21.5cm. (4).$6008001270GUSTAVE RICHARD LAMBERT,ASIA: albumen paper prints, circa 1880s,one depicts a female mat maker, the other titled Javanese Hadju;photographers blind stamp on images at lower right,approx. 20.5 x 27.5cm & 28 x 21cm. (2).$300400 1271PHOTOGRAPHER UNKNOWN,Whampoa Girl,albumen paper print, circa 1880s,19 x 14cm; laid down on page.$100150 1272AUGUSTINE E. DYER(BRITISH NEW GUINEA)Fifteen original albumen photographs, taken during the Expedition of the Ex 1269 Australian Squadron to south-east New Guinea, October - December 1884. Dyer was the Australian Government Printing Office photographer who went to British New Guinea with John Paine (a studio photographer), for the purpose of recording the British annexation of the territory. He travelled more extensively with Paine in 1884 through PNG visiting Port Moresby, Motu-Motu, Kerepunu, South Cape, Dinner Island and Teste Island. all approx. 23 x 29cm. (15)PROVENANCEThomas H. Knott, fleet surgeon, H.M.S. Nelson; Melbourne. (Launched in 1876 and completed in 1881. She sailed for the Australia Station after commissioning and became the flagship there in 1885. Knott joined the Nelson in June 1881. Other images taken by the photographers Dyer and Paine can be found in the book Narrative of the Expedition of the Australian Squadron to the south-east coast of New Guinea, October to December Ex 1272 1884 by Commodore James E. Erskine. [Sydney: Thomas Richards, Government Printer, 1885].$4,0006,000'