b'945ASAHI KOGAKU: Four Pentax accessories - one c. 1975 Pentax Spotmatic Voltmeter, one round-style clip-on Pentax Meter [#202206], one square-style clip-on Pentax Meter [#0041728], and one c. 1964 Pentax Magnifier for 35mm SLR in makers box with black leather case. (4 item) $20030046ASAHI KOGAKU: Four Pentax camera accessories - one c. 1975 Pentax KX Motor Drive and Battery Grip [#1022290], one c. 1975 KX Voltmeter, one c. 1980 Pentax Winder ME II [#2095140], and one Pentax Self-Timer in makers plastic case. (4 items) .$18028047ASAHI KOGAKU: An accumulation of thirty photography accessories of various sizes - nine metal lens hoods, five lens filters, five metal lens caps, four plastic lens caps, and seven black leather accessory cases. (30 items) . $20030048ASAHI KOGAKU: An accumulation of ten photography accessories - two round-style clip-on Pentax Meters, one Macro Takumar Reverse Adapter, one black set of three extension tubes in leather case, one chrome set of four extension tubes, two flash units, two camera straps, and one Pentax Espio mouse pad. (10 items) $16026049ASAHI KOGAKU: An accumulation of eighteen spare Pentax camera parts, including black and chrome top plates, bottom plates, back elements, etc. (18 items) .$20030050ASAHI KOGAKU: Twenty-three Pentax-branded items, including six Hong Kong-made quartz wristwatches in silver and gold, five of them in presentation boxes, together with three ball-point pens in black and gold, two ball-point pens in white and gold, five different Pentax product pins, one Pentax Zoom-70 jumbo calculator, one belt, one belt buckle, and other items. (23 items) $20030051ASAHI KOGAKU: One A4 archive box containing seventy Asahi Kogaku product brochures, sales guides, and instruction booklets, each sealed in a plastic sleeve. (70 items) $40060052ASAHI KOGAKU: One A4 archive box containing eighty Asahi Kogaku product brochures and sales guides, each sealed in a plastic sleeve. (80 items) .$4006005453 5553ANGNIEUX: Black-and-chrome bayonet mount type Y2 135mm f3.5 lens [#371525], c. 1952, with front and rear metal lens caps. .$35050054ANGNIEUX: Black and chrome P. Angnieux 24mm f3.5 Type R51 Retrofocus lens [#486916], c. 1957, with Exakta mount and back lens cap. $7501,00055ANGNIEUX: Chrome P. Angnieux 24mm f3.5 Type R61 Retrofocus lens [#859160], c. 1959, with Exakta mount and rear lens cap. $400600'