b'19129130129CARL ZEISS: Biogon 21mm f4.5 lens [#1136173] with Contax mount, c. 1954,together with metal rear lens cap. .$600900130CARL ZEISS: Biogon 35mm f2.8 lens [#1883819] with Contax IIa/IIIa mount, c. 1956,together with rear lens cap. .$350500131CARL ZEISS: Five c. 1960s lenses - one Pro-Tessar M1:1 [#2768218], one Tessar 50mm f2.8 [#1560784], one Contaflex Pro-Tessar 35mm f4 [#2292838] in plastic dome with lens cap, one Contaflex Pro-Tessar 85mm f4 [#2296661], and one Contaflex Pro-Tessar 115mm f4 [#4385465]. (5 items) $200300132CARL ZEISS: Three lenses - one Sonnar 135mm f4 [#2680027] for Contax rangefinder in makers box, one Flektogon 35mm f2.8 [#5306880] for Werramatic in plastic dome with lens cap, and one Cardinar 100mm f4 [#6383235] for Werramatic in plastic dome with lens cap. (3 items) $200300133CARL ZEISS: Circa 1970 Carl Zeiss Skoparex 35mm f3.4 lens [#7357262]with Icarex screw mount in makers plastic dome.$200300134CARL ZEISS: Two c. 1970s lenses in black and chrome with M42 mounts - one Skoparex 35mm f3.4 [#7023312] in plastic display dome, and one Super-Dynarex 135mm f4 [#7192387]. (2 lenses) .$200300135CASIO: Five digital cameras - one QV-10 in makers box with soft case, cables, and instruction booklet, together with two unboxed QV-10s, one QV-100, and one QV-300. (5 cameras) .$100200136CHINON: Three c. 1980 35mm cameras - one CM-4s SLR with Auto Chinon 50mm f1.9 lens [#752977], together with two Bellami compact cameras [#237164 & #184665], both with wrist straps and with one makers box/instruction booklet/case present. (3 cameras) $200300137CHRONOSCOPE PAP: Rare c. 1910 Chronoscope Pap actinometer, together with several original film papers. $100200138141138CONTESSA WERKE: Rare model A Contessa Reflex box camera [#79127], c. 1913, in brown with E. Mazo Paris Rapide Orthoscope lens$300400139CORONET: Midget subminiature Bakelite box camera, c. 1935, in black with Taylor Hobson Meniscus lens. $100200'