b'38338338MEOPTA: Mikroma subminiature camera [#4310624], c. 1949, in black leatherette with Mirar 20mm f3.5 lens [#4310624], together with leather case. $200300339MEOPTA: Three early-1950s made-in-Czechoslovakia TLR cameras - one Flexaret II with Mirar 80mm f4.5 lens and Prontor-S shutter, one Flexaret III with Mirar 80mm f3.5 lens and Prontor-S shutter, and one Flexaret IV with Mirar 80mm f3.5 lens and Prontor-S shutter. (3 cameras) $140240340340MEOPTA: Two Stereo 35 viewfinder cameras [#2-4547 & #2-5125] with twin Mirar 25mm f3.5 lenses, c. 1971, one in green with double lens cap, and one in black with wrist strap. (2 cameras) $400600341MEYER-OPTIK: Telemegor V 400mm f5.5 lens with Exakta mount, c. 1965,together with front and rear caps. $100200342342MINOLTA: Two vertical-folding cameras - one 1935-type Semi Minolta I with Coronar 75mm f4.5 lens [#71100] and Crown shutter, and one Auto Semi vertical-folding camera [#8972], c. 1937, with Promar 75mm f3.5 lens [#51583] and Crown Rapid shutter. (2 cameras) .$300400'