b'22161FRANKE & HEIDECKE: Seven 1970s Rollei accessories still sealed in retail packaging - one EBRUM 301250 camera bracket with accessory shoe for Rollei 35 with synchro adapter, one BELED 961050 leather protective cap for exposure meter, one 209240 coupling piece for 2 cables, one DGKAL 205660 large release button, one FOPLA 209020 cut-film sheath, one 205620 accessory shoe, and one 301270 special bracket for 134 B/134 REB. (7 items) .$140240162162FRANKE & HEIDECKE: Four Rollei camera accessories - one Rolleikin 3.5 adapter kit in leather zip-case with makers box and instruction sheet, one Rolleicord Va 24 adapter kit in leather zip-case with instruction sheet, one Rolleimeter rangefinder [#1409] in leather zip-case with instruction sheet, and one RIII lens hood in makers box.(4 items) $200300163FRANKE & HEIDECKE: Four Rollei camera accessories - one Rolleikin 3.5 adapter kit in leather zip-case with makers box and instruction sheet, one Rolleicord Va 16 adapter kit in leather zip-case with instruction sheet, one Rolleimeter rangefinder [#9805] in leather zip-case with instruction sheet, and one Rollei lens hood in plastic makers case. (4 items) $200300164FRANKE & HEIDECKE: Ten lens filters all in makers boxes with plastic cases, several also with instruction sheets, comprising items with BAIHE 201070, BAIMI 201080, BALIN 201090, BARKO 201280, BATON 201320, BAUBI 201120, GUIMI 202060, GUSKY 202130, GUTNU 202280, and R1,5 202250 designations. (10 items) $300400165FRANKE & HEIDECKE: Four lens filters, three in leather makers pouches and one in makers box with plastic case and instruction sheet - one Rolleipol RIII -1.5 (blue), one CEIHE (light yellow), one CESKY (UV), and one CETNU (Rolleisoft 0). (4 items) .$200300166FRANKE & HEIDECKE: Twelve lens filters in either leather makers pouches or plastic cases, including lenses with Rolleinar 1, Rolleinar 2, BAEEN, BAIHE, BAIMI, BALIN, and BAUBI designations, among others. (12 items) .$160260167FRANKE & HEIDECKE: Eleven Rollei items - one FOBUM pistol grip quick release, one RI Tessar-Triotar-Xenar 3.5 green lens filter, one RII Planar-Xenotar 3.5 green lens filter, one RII Planar-Xenotar 3.5 light-blue lens filter, one RIII Planar-Xenotar 2.8 medium-yellow lens filter, one medium-yellow lens filter with smaller diameter (all lens filters in makers boxes with leather or plastic cases), four black plastic camera stands with Rollei branding, and one 56.5 x 10cm folding Rolleiflex Rolleicord point-of-sale sign. (11 items) .$200300168FRANKE & HEIDECKE: Eight accessories - one panorama head tripod attachment with spirit level in makers box with instruction sheet, one Rolleifix FOFIX quick-locking tripod attachment for mounting in makers box, one 3.5 gradient holder in makers leather pouch, and a group of five TLR camera backs comprising two Rolleikin I camera backs with non-adjustable pressure plate, two backs with magazine holder for cut film plates, and one old-model plate film holder for Rolleiflex Automat. (8 items) $200300169FRANKE & HEIDECKE: Eight flash accessories in black - two Rolleiflash with differing diameters plus one additional camera attachment element, one Strobomatic E 17C with power cable, one 121BC with sync cable, one 100 XL, one 128BC, and one E 19 BC. (8 items) .$200300170FRANKE & HEIDECKE: Three black metal lens hoods with leather makers pouches one marked RI, one marked 38, and one with no marking. (3 items) .$100200171FUJIFILM: Seven c. 1960s Fujica cameras - one Fujica Half, one Fujica Drive, one Fujica 35-EE, one Fujica 35 Auto-M, one Fujicarex II, one Fujica Rapid S2, and one Pocket Fujica 350 Wide. (7 cameras) $200300172FUJIFILM: Four c. 2000s digital SLR cameras - one Fujifilm S5 Pro body [#73A00449] with body cap, one FinePix S2 Pro body [#22A00053] with body cap, one FinePix S3 Pro body [#53L51001] with body cap, and one Fujix DS-300 [#7201055]. (4 cameras) .$500750173FUJIFILM: Three lenses - one 35mm Wide-Attachment Lens, one 75mm Tele-Attachment Lens with front and rear caps, and one 75mm Tele-Attachment Lens with rear cap. (3 items) $100200'