b'35292LEITZ: Three late 1930s Leica attachments in chrome - one SEROO sports finder, one LWHOO magnifier, and one TUVOO adapter for VIOOH viewfinder. (3 items) $200300293LEITZ: Three c. 1950s accessories - one Visoflex I [#26551] reflex housing, and one Visoflex III reflex housing together with 5x OTVXO vertical magnifier. (3 items) $220320294LEITZ: Six accessories - three c. 1950s CEYOO flash units with attached sync cables, one CHICO flash unit, and two CTOOM flash brackets, one in makers box. (6 items) $100200295LEITZ: Four lens filters - one FIRHE Gelbfilter 1 in makers box and one FCZOO Rotfilter Hell also in makers box, together with two c. 1964 Serie VII lens filters in plastic cases - one in green with GGr designation, and one in orange with Or designation. (4 items) $220320296LEITZ: Four different chrome lens filters - one XOOQG yellow, one XOOYL UV, one HOOIV UVa in makers plastic case, and one FIOLA UVa. (4 items) $200300297LEITZ: Four c. 1950s Leica M lens attachments - one ISOOZ adapter for 135mm, two ISBOO adapters for 90mm, and one type 2 grey plastic lens coupling ring. (4 items) .$180280298LEITZ: Rare chrome 14088 OZTNO cable release adapter, c. 1955. Enables the use of screw-type cable releases on Leica M cameras. $200300299LEITZ: Seventeen accessories - five different lens filters, one VALOO hood, one OOZAB slide copier, one LVFOO magnifier, one VXOOT adapter, two IZQOO Leica M mount rear lens caps, two other lens caps, two MICOO-type flash sync cables, and two CNOOS-type sync cables. (17 items) .$350500300LEITZ: Extremely rare mint condition VTOOX aperture setting ring for Elmar 50mm f2.8 lens, c. 1960. $200300301LEITZ: Eight different adapter rings of various diameters - one SOOGZ, one 14167 Leicaflex SL adapter, one UOORF, one FOOXB, one UOOND, one UOOYW, one 11251 Canada 5.5 in plastic case, and one Serie VI 14160. (8 items)$250350 302LEITZ: Eighteen accessories - one APDOO self-timer, two ELDIA film copiers, one Correx developing tank, two MBOOC booster cells, one OUBIO adapter, one Chico flash unit, four shutter release cables, one VXZOO adapter, one Repro N extension tube element, one Telyt extension tube element, one set of test slides, one Leitz box of 100 Cover Glass Plates, and one BOOWU stand with DIN A4/A5/A6 elements. (18 items) .$250350303LEITZ: Seven lens hoods for Elmar 50mm - four chrome FISON models with differing engraving details, together with three FIKUS adjustable hoods in black and chrome. (7 items) $350500304LEITZ: Rare c. 1933 early-type black FISON push-on lens hood. .$200300305 306305LEITZ: Two rare black c. 1935 FISON lens hoods, each with a different screw type, one featuring Germany export engraving. (2 items) $350500306LEITZ: Two black c. 1936 FLQOO lens hoods, one with printed text, the other engraved. (2 items) .$350500307LEITZ: Two c. 1951 FOOKH lens hoods in chrome, with differing engraving details. (2 items) .$200300308LEITZ: Four Leica lens hoods - one c. 1971 12508 R1.4/50 in black with rear cap, one c. 1956 ITDOO in black and chrome, one c. 1956 ITOOY in black and chrome, and one c. 1951 TNGOO C2219 in black with rear cap. (4 items) $250350309LEITZ: Twenty-seven metal Leica front lens caps of various diameters, together with four metal 39mm body caps. (31 items) $300400310LEITZ: A mixed assortment of thirty-nine black plastic Leica front and rear lens caps and body caps, all of various diameters. (39 items) $250350311LEITZ: Six IXMOO metal film cassettes. (6 items) $200300312LEITZ: Twelve FILCA metal film cassettes. (12 items) $200300313LEITZ: Seven empty Leica camera boxes - two Leica M6 boxes with plastic camera cases, one Leica R5 box, one Leica M5 box, together with three other Leica camera boxes in gold and red felt. (7 items) $200300'