b'5In a letter of condolence to the family, the currentAdmiration went back to his ambitious grandfather, President of the National Trust, Kathryn PitkinHerbert Edward Pratten (1865-1928) who AM, wrote: Chrisover decades, made aemigrated from Bristol, UK and found success distinguished contribution to the National Trustin both business and politics. H.E. Pratten of Australia (NSW). Chris made numerous andbecame the Mayor of Ashfield (1909-1911), a valuable intellectual contributions on many levelsNSW Senator (1917-1921) and a Federal MP to the work of the Trust, firstly as a member of(1921-1928). He instigated plans in 1906 to the Central Western Regional Committee, thesecure land that became Pratten Park making Nature Conservation Council and the Landscapesure the land remained available to the public, Conservation Committee. In 1984 Chris becamein perpetuity. Chriss grandmother, Agnes, was the Environment Director for the Trust, thisborn in Ashfield, where her parents had a tannery was a new role responsible for advocatingand boot maker business. The entrepreneurial for conservation by lobbying local and statePrattens also operated a cordial works, jam government as well as the newly set up NSWfactory and other businesses in the inner west, Heritage Office.Our National Trust Registerbesides mining interests beyond. Listing records are peppered with significantBecause of these family roots in the inner west listings authored by your father, over 115 listingsof Sydney, Chris bought a Victorian house, recording important history for future generations.Hillcrest in Summer Hill, in 1983, which he Chris was responsible for all our listings for Lordcommenced restoring. This historical restoration Howe Island and other special places such asinterest led to becoming Secretary of the Ashfield Macquarie Marshes, Lake Cowal Conservationand District Historical Society, which at the area as well as many more in regional NSW. Astime had a low profile. Chris encouraged new President of the Nature Conservation Council,members through functions and talks, and built Chris was very involved in the Trusts then Bushup the Societys impact on conservation issues, Regeneration Program which still thrives today asencouraging Ashfield Council to undertake a Bushland Management Services.Chris leavesHeritage Assessment of the Ashfield LGA. He was an important legacy as an advocate for heritageparticularly productive with numerous publications and his role and achievements are very muchon the history of the area, writing works on notable embedded in the Trusts history.'