b"6people, historic houses, his familys brickworks,colourful majolica and biscuit barrels. We enjoyed cordial works, about Summer Hill and Ashfield atmany lunches, sharing experiences, and each Federation among others. His list of local historylearned from the other. But the bush was Chriss and heritage publications runs from the 1990s toheart. Native flora and fauna and the Royal his passing; his latest in 2023 being on FrederickWorcester products which depicted them became Clissold of Glentworth, Ashfields wealthiest mana passion. He knew all the botanical names and in the 19th century, who began as a wool scourer. delighted in his purchases of rare examples. TheyChris was awarded Ashfield Citizen of the Yearwere housed in his beautifully restored Summer in 2000 for his tireless efforts promoting andHill terrace, a perfect cabinet for his treasures. protecting the areas heritage. The AshfieldHe wrote a number of ground-breaking books Chamber of Commerce also bestowed a goldon Ashfield and the products found there. In his medallion upon him. Chris was recognised with ajourney he made many friends including former Centenary Medal for services to the communityNSW Governor Dame Marie Bashir, who launched in January 2001. In 2005, Chris was awarded anseveral of his books. I will miss his wicked sense OAM for service to the environment and to theof humour, smile and a very dear friend. conservation of natural and built heritage areas asChris did always hope that one of us would want a grazier, educator and administrator.to live in his beloved Hillcrest after his death, One of Chriss favourite dealers was Alan Landis,however, Stephen, Michael & I had no desire and Chris followed him from his Castlereagh Stto live in Sydney. Getting the house empty was shop to the Woollahra Gallery to Potts Point. Alanmade so much easier by Harry, Rob & Cassandra wrote I first met Chris almost fifty years agofrom Leski Auctions, who efficiently packed up and he became my client, thirsty for knowledgethe items for the Chris Pratten Collection sale. We and a passionate collector of clocks and anthank Alan Landis for referring Leski Auctions to encyclopaediac passion for the Australian bush.us. It was very sad to see the house empty but we Chris had a keen eye for the unusual, Wedgwoodhope that the new owners of his special things will and its competitors in the eighteenth century,derive the same pleasure from them as he did.Stephen, Michael & Jenny PrattenSeptember 2024Images AbbreviationsLots with this symbol are illustrated online at Instances of 'mss' used in descriptions refers www.leski.com.au to manuscripts or handwritten documents."