b'111844THE B.A.N.Z. ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION:Official original photograph by Captain Frank Hurley:Image A61 - Title: An Island looming above the icepacks.with official MAWSON ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION handstamp and release date MONDAY MAY 12, 1930 verso, together with official printed letterhead with details of the image, across icefields to Proclamation Island, Enderby Land.20 x 26cm.$200300 845THE B.A.N.Z. ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION:Official original photograph by Captain Frank Hurley:Image A62 - Title: The Worlds most beautiful island.with official MAWSON ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION handstamp and release date MONDAY MAY 12, 1930 verso, together with official printed letterhead with details of the image, looking up the islet studded fjords of the Bras Bossiere.20 x 26cm.$200300 846THE B.A.N.Z. ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION:Official original photograph by Captain Frank Hurley:Image A63 - Title: In a land of blue and silver.with official MAWSON ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION handstamp and release date MONDAY MAY 12, 1930 verso, together with official printed letterhead with details of the image, A charming glimpsefrom843the heights of Proclamation Island, Enderby Land.20 x 26cm.$200300 847 850THE B.A.N.Z. ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION: THE B.A.N.Z. ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION:Official original photograph by Captain Frank Hurley: Official original photograph by Captain Frank Hurley:Image A64 - Title: The Unexplored heart of Kerguelen, Image A67 - Title: A Crystal Garden in Antarctica,with official MAWSON ANTARCTIC EXPEDITIONwith official MAWSON ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION handstamp and release date MONDAY MAY 12, 1930 verso,handstamp and release date TUESDAY MAY 13, 1930 together with official printed letterhead with details of theverso, together with official printed letterhead with details of image, A desolate incognita of vast lava flows gouged by thethe image, An enchanting glimpse of shattered icefloespassage of vanished glaciers. 20 x 26cm.20 x 26cm. $200300 $200300 851848 THE B.A.N.Z. ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION:THE B.A.N.Z. ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION: Official original photograph by Captain Frank Hurley:Official original photograph by Captain Frank Hurley: Image A68 - Title: Kerguelen the Magnificent.Image A65 - Title: Drifting with the Pack, with official MAWSON ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION with official MAWSON ANTARCTIC EXPEDITIONhandstamp and release date TUESDAY MAY 13, 1930 handstamp and release date MONDAY MAY 12, 1930verso, together with official printed letterhead with details of verso, together with official printed letterhead with detailsthe image, .from an altitude of 5,000 feetthe beautiful of the image, A remarkable aerial viewoff the coast ofwatery mazes of Royal Sound, Kerguelen IslandMacRobertson Land. 20 x 26cm.20 x 26cm. $200300 $200300 852849 THE B.A.N.Z. ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION:THE B.A.N.Z. ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION: Official original photograph by Captain Frank Hurley:Official original photograph by Captain Frank Hurley: Image A69 - Title: A New Port in Antarctica,Image A66 - Title: Ice-littered Antarctic Ocean. with official MAWSON ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION with official MAWSON ANTARCTIC EXPEDITIONhandstamp and release date TUESDAY MAY 13, 1930 handstamp and release date TUESDAY MAY 13, 1930verso, together with official printed letterhead with details of verso, together with official printed letterhead with details ofthe image, Looking west over the islet-studded waters of the image, while flying at an altitude of 3,000 feet. Proclamation Harbour20 x 26cm. 20 x 26cm.$200300$200300 '