b'1401067 1074A TEENAGE CASUALTY OF THE WAR: A group of medals to Petty Officer C.A.V. WINKWORTH, The British War Medal and SOUTH AFRICAN Victory Medalwho served as a Royal Navy Boy Sailor in 1918 and who later (1914-18) both impressed named to PTE J.H. VAN DERserved in submariners during World War Two. Comprising WALT. 4TH S.A.I., awarded posthumously, together with theof 1914-18 British War and Victory Medals; 1939-45 Star; Memorial Plaque named JOHANNES HENDRICK VAN DERAfrica Star; Defence and War Medal 1939 - 45; Royal Navy WALT. Together with copied documents. Long Service Medal (KGV). (7 medals, mounted for display). Van Der Walt, born in 1899 at Sterkfontein, TRANSVAALWith copies of service records and medal roll.had enlisted or attempted to enlist several times, the first om$250350 October 1914, when he was just 15. He finally succeeded in Feb.1917 and embarked at Cape Town bound for France. In1075December of that year he was wounded and evacuated toSUNK AT GALLIPOLI HMS IRRESISTIBLE WW1the 27th Field Ambulance where he died of his wounds onROYAL NAVY MEDALS to 177170 CHIEF STOKER HILL:the 23rd. He is buried in the Fins New British Cemetery atThe group of four comprises of a 1914-15 Star, impressed Sorel-Le-Grand. He was 18 years old when he died. named 1770. R.N.A. HILL. Ch. STO. R.N.; British War $400500and Victory medals (1914 - 18), impressed named; Royal Navy Long Service and Good Conduct Medal (Edward VII) 1068 impressed named 177170. R.N.A. HILL. STO. P.O. H.M.S. KILLED IN ACTION at the BATTLE OF PILCKEM RIDGE,ARIADNE. Mounted for display, with accompanying copy BELGIUM, August 1917: paperwork.The casualty group of medals to Private JAMESChief Stoker Rowland Nicholas Austin HILL was born July COCHRANE who was serving with the 16th Battalion1873 in Bridport, Dorset. He was aboard H.M.S. Irresistible Sherwood Foresters) at the time of his death; comprising hiswhen it was sunk at Gallipoli on 18/3/1915. Hill was amongst British War and Victory Medals (1914-18) impressed namedthe survivors. He died in 1950.76139 PTE J. COCHRANE. NOTTS & DERBY R., together with$250350 the Memorial Plaque named to him and accompanied by the Kings condolence message. With additional research material.$3004001076A Royal Navy medal trio to Boy & Ordinary Seaman 1069 ERNEST HAMBLY, who saw action at the Battle of Jutland THE GREAT WAR, RETURNED WITH HONOUR 15CT(May-June 1916), while aboard H.M.S. Orion.GOLD AND ENAMEL FOB, ENGRAVED Byaduk 1914-19,The medals are a 1914-15 Star and British War and Victory Presented to Dr. C. WAKLEY by the Residents of Byaduk, Medals, all named to HAMBLY. (3). Accompanied by copy 3.6cm high, 7.7 grams service records and medal roll.$200300 $100150 1070 1077Various military ribbon bars, shoulder patches and epaulettes,WW1 Medal pair to GROUP LIEUTENANT A.W. GREEN sergeants stripes, etc. (32 items). of the 79th CARNATIC INFANTRY REGIMENT (Indian Army) $100200comprising of British War and Victory Medals, both impressed named to LIEUT A.W. GREEN. (2). With copy medal roll.1071 $100150 WW1 period military photograph in carved timber frame, titled The Word War, 107836cm high A WW1 SOUTH AFRICAN INFANTRY MEDAL TRIO to $120200SGT. HARRY COLES comprising a 1914-15 Star, a British War Medal and a South African bi-lingual Victory Medal. (3).1072 $120180 PAIR: 1914-18 British War and Victory Medals, impressed named R-18595 PTE. R.G. REMINGTON. K.R. RIF.C (2).1079Remington was killed in action on 21/3/1918 south of theA MILITARY MEDAL (KGV) awarded to BOMBADIER Somme. Accompanied by research material. ANTHONY McWIRTER of the 99th SEIGE BATTERY, $100150Royal Garrison Artillery in 1918. Impressed named to him, he was awarded for his actions during the German 1073 offensive of March 1918.WWI BRONZE MEMORIAL PLAQUE (Death Penny): inscribed$300400He Died for Freedom and Honour, in the name of JOHN HENRY WESTCOTT, and issued to his next of kin, blank on1080reverse, 120cm diameter; together with his trio of medals:A WW1 MEDAL GROUP and associated items to LIEUT. 1914-15 Star, unnamed; 1914-18 British War and VictoryCHARLES HUMBERT, 10th HUSSARS.Medals impressed named 1633 PTE. J.H. WESTCOTT. 3-CO.The group comprises 1914-15 Star (impressed 2. LIEUT. C. OF LOND.Y. Also, copies of relevant documents and records. HUMBERT. R.R. OF CAV.); British War and Victory Medals Lance Corporal John Henry Westcott was born in London in(impressed LIEUT C. HUMBERT) court mounted for display; 1894. Westcott was with the 8th Mounted Brigade in Egyptalso Cavalry chain epaulettes Lieutenant with XRH title and in October 1918 when he was admitted to the Hospital Ship10th Hussars button (2); Buttons XRH (17); cap badge 10th Assaye at Alexandria (14/10/1918). He died of pneumoniaRoyal Hussars and a copy photograph. (24 items).two days later and was buried in ALexandria (Hadra) War$250350 Memorial Cemetery.$500600 '