b'15411371137 containing views of mountains, valleys1140CONRAD MARTENSand coastal profiles taken in 1834 whileARTIST UNKNOWN(1801-1878), he was on board the survey ship the(19th Century, New Zealand),Beagle, and it is recorded that he had (One of the falls on the Apsley),borrowed Charles Lyells Principles ofFalls Near Litchfield, New Zealand,circa 1873, Geology from Charles Darwin beforewatercolour,watercolour and bodycolour on board, the voyage began. A related work ofsigned lower right (illegible),signed lower right, identical size, being the same view fromtitle label verso,27 x 41cm; framed 40.5 x 54cm overall. a slightly different angle (titled The Tia50 x 19.5cm, 75 x 40cm overallFalls, Northern New South Wales), was$400600PROVENANCE sold by Sothebys (Sydney) in August The Joyce Evans estate. 2011 for $60,000 (including buyers Explorer John Oxley first describedpremium). Another version, titled as1141the Apsley Falls, New South Wales, inabove, is in the NGV collection. ARTIST UNKNOWN,September 1818, writing in his journal$12,00015,000 (New Zealand landscape, that he was lost in astonishment at the19th century),sight of this wonderful natural sublimity1138and that it is impossible to form awatercolour,correct idea of the wild magnificenceARTIST UNKNOWN23 x 35cm, 40 x 55cm overallof the scenery without the pencil of a(19th century, Australian), $300500 Salvator. Such a painter would here find(chasing the brumbies),an ample field for the exercise of hiswatercolour, 1142genius. By the time Conrad Martens visited the falls in 1852, they were a18 x 28cm THOMAS PEERLESS renowned sight. Martens produced$300500(1858-1896),three different paintings of falls on(New Zealand landscape),the Apsley during the following two1139decades. A detailed pencil study, Thewatercolour,Apsley at Waterloo, shows that theARTIST UNKNOWN, signed lower left T. Peerless,dramatic rock formations are the real2 x Australian rural scenes, 32 x 52cm , 53 x 71cm overallfocus of the work. Martens interest inoil on board, $300500 geology was of long standing. A South19 x 29cm, 38 x 50cm each (2)American sketchbook by him exists$120200 '