b'79603 606An antique Colonial Australian cedarGEORGE THWAITES & SON of and pine corner wotnot with three tiers,Melbourne, fine antique Australian circa 1850, cedar servery with carved shield back, 126cm high, 74cm wide, 40cm deep circa 1860.$400600From an original 1853 design by Blackie.An imposing and impressive 604 171cm high, 245cm wide, 67cm deepAn antique colonial Australian pair of$4,0006,000double bed ends with bobbin turnings, blackwood, 19th century,99cm high, 123cm wide 607$600800A colonial Australian cedar blanket box with 605 kauri pine secondary timbers, 19th century,An antique Australian cedar three42cm high, 92cm, 47cmtier dumb waiter with ball finials,$250350 19th century, 141cm high, 122cm wide, 50cm deep$6001,000 599606'