b'14210941082 1085Contingent of the 1st Division, Australian Imperial Force -A group of four medals to Petty Officer FREDERICK A.I.F. Australian & New Zealand Army Corps (A & NZAC),EAMES of the Royal Navy. The medals comprise of a 1914-11th Battalion Before Deployment To Gallipoli, Cheops15 Star, British War and Victory Medals (1914-19) and a Royal Pyramid Egypt - Sunday 10th January, 1915. Navy Long Service & Good Conduct Medal (KGV). Court 11th Battalion, 3rd Brigade, A.I.F. photographic print of overmounted for display and accompanied by copies of service 685 soldiers spread over the side of the Great Pyramid ofpapers and medal rolls. (4).Khufu (Cheops) near Mena camp in Egypt. $200300 Limited edition 733/1500.105 x 132cm overall 1086$450550 WW1 trio of medals to Ordnance Artificer WILFRED 1083 JONES, who served 30 years in the Royal Navy, was aboard HMS Attentive during the raid on Zeebrugge in 1918 HANDLEY PAGE R.A.F. circa 1918 black and white albumenand died whilst still serving in 1945.print by F.N. BURNETT with triangular blind embossed sealThe medals comprise of a 1914-15 Star, a British War Medal lower right, 1914-18 and a Victory Medal 1914-19. With research material framed and mounted in original green card, and medal rolls. (3 items).21.5 x 27cm, 33 x 39.5cm overall $150200 $1202001084 1087A group of four medals to Chief Petty Officer WALTERUNION JACK vintage flag, bearing numerous repairs, HERBERT HOWARD of the Royal Navy, who servedearly 20th century,aboard the Royal Yacht HMS Ophir for the Royal Touran impressive 350 x 170cmto AUSTRALIA in 1901, as well as being aboard HMS$200300 Canterbury at the Battle of Jutland (1916). The medals comprise of a 1914-15 Star, British War and Victory Medals (1914-19) and a Royal Navy Long Service & Good Conduct Medal (KGV). Court mounted for display and accompanied by copies of service papers and medal roll. (4).$200300 1082 1083'