b'117903 904896 901DONALD F. THOMSON (1901 - 1970) DONALD F. THOMSON (1901 - 1970) IN FAR NORTH QUEENSLAND, 1928: IN FAR NORTH QUEENSLAND, 1928:An original photograph, with original explanatory andAn original photograph, with original explanatory and copyright copyright label verso, A typical home of a snadbeachman,label verso, A fishing party, Yintjingga Tribe with the great Yintjingga Tribe, Stewart River, Princess Charlotte Bay. hand nets with which they fish in the estuarine waters16.5 x 21.5cm. 16.5 x 21.5cm.$200300$200300 897 902DONALD F. THOMSON (1901 - 1970)DONALD F. THOMSON (1901 - 1970) IN FAR NORTH QUEENSLAND, 1928: IN FAR NORTH QUEENSLAND, 1928:An original photograph, with original explanatoryAn original photograph, with original explanatory and copyright and copyright label verso, A woman dressed for alabel verso, .fine wurlies of this type are built before the mourning ceremony, Gulf of Carpentaria. oncoming of the wet season in North Queensland21.5 x 16.5cm. 16.5 x 21.5cm.$200300$200300 898 903DONALD F. THOMSON (1901 - 1970)DONALD F. THOMSON (1901 - 1970) IN FAR NORTH QUEENSLAND, 1928: IN FAR NORTH QUEENSLAND, 1928:An original photograph, with original explanatory and copyrightAn original photograph, with original explanatory and copyright label verso, A study in concentration. A primitive type oflabel verso, .showing one of the methods in which children loom used in the manufacture of fringe petticoats are carried during foraging expeditions16.5 x 21.5cm. 21.5 x 16.5cm.$200300$200300899 904DONALD F. THOMSON (1901 - 1970)DONALD F. THOMSON (1901 - 1970) IN FAR NORTH QUEENSLAND, 1928: IN FAR NORTH QUEENSLAND, 1928:An original photograph, with original explanatory and copyrightAn original photograph, with original explanatory and label verso, .Singeing the hair from a wallaby preparatory tocopyright label verso, Young man in full fighting array, cleaning and cooking it in a native oven in the ground Gulf of Carpentaria16.5 x 21.5cm. 21.5 x 16.5cm.$200300$200300900 905DONALD F. THOMSON (1901 - 1970)DONALD F. THOMSON (1901 - 1970) IN FAR NORTH QUEENSLAND, 1928: IN FAR NORTH QUEENSLAND, 1928:An original photograph, with original explanatory andAn original photograph, with original explanatory and copyright label verso, A man of the Stewart River,copyright label verso, Tomorrow morning he come up black; Princess Charlotte Bay. night time thunder cry16.5 x 21.5cm. 21.5 x 16.5cm.$200300$200300 '