b'124POSTERS946MURRAY HANDCUFFS poster, circa 1930s74 x 101cm, 87 x 120cm overall$300500947PERCIVAL ALBERT (PERCY) TROMPF (1902-1964),AUSTRALIA The Landing of Captain Cook at Botany Bay 1770,colour lithograph, circa 1930,signed in the plate, lower right,Printed by Posters Ltd., Sydney and marked Poster No.1above the Australian National Travel Association logo at lower right,47.5 x 62cm; linen backed 56 x 70cm.946 $8001,200948GERT HUGO EMMANUEL SELLHEIM (1901-1970),CORROBOREE AUSTRALIA,colour lithograph, circa 1935,signed in the plate at lower left with the imprint of F.W. Niven Pty Ltd. Melb. at lower right,With Australian National Travel Association kangaroo logo at lower right,100 x 63cm; laid down on linen 110 x 72cm.Gert Sellheim was one of the earliest designers commissioned by the Australian National Travel Association (ANTA) to produce designs for Australian travel posters. Established in 1929, ANTA aspired to attract overseas visitors to Australia by displaying artist-designed posters in its London, San Francisco and Bombay offices (directed at the British serving in India).Corroboree Australia illustrates the designers strikingly modernist incorporation, and early reference to the art and culture of Aboriginal Australia as a significant aspect of Australian culture and identity.$5,0007,500948'